I’m Telling You (Something about young love)

I was telling them I forgot you

But that keeps me reminded

of the things I should have forget

but I can’t

I was telling them it hurts no more

And that’s my way of saying it still does

I was telling them I have new one

Who cares about the old and the new?

They are both you

I was telling them I let you go

And yes you’re not mine anymore

But what I don’t tell them is that I still

and will forever belong to you

….. Writing poem such as this one is definitely an escape from loneliness and longing or more probably a way of letting your feeling be shown. Teenage love, I guess I should’nt have to call it this way, I’m 21 now. 🙂 But love is timeless, It never change, this is the way how I felt it before, even during the first time. This is why I called the girls I had my first love… A friend once told me, If you are not ready to be hurt, don’t fall in love. What the hell you’re talking, I thought, and this is the answer. Not all questions are meant to be answered the moment you ask it. I know now. Does love really suck? I mean, does this really hurt us? Well I guess I have to leave you hanging with this one. I am thinking of writing another article for this. Thank you for reading… 🙂 _vhanfire